Known for her sculptural artist books, Cushman has exhibited her exquisitely crafted works in museums, galleries, and libraries across the United States and internationally. Her handmade paper and letterpress pieces have been exhibited in national travel exhibitions such as Pulp Function and Stand and Deliver as well as exhibitions at the Fuller Craft Museum (Brockton, MA), Maryland Federation of Art (Baltimore, MD), Foundry Art Centre (St. Charles, MO), University of the South (Sewanee, TN), Edgewood College (Madison, WI), Chicago Public Library (Chicago, IL), Library of Michigan (Lansing, MI), Northwestern University Library (Evanston, IL), and the San Francisco Public Library (San Francisco, CA) among others.
Cushman joined Longwood University’s Art Department in 2005 and teaches foundations, papermaking, and artists’ books. She previously taught drawing and book arts at Central Michigan University (Mount Pleasant, MI) as the 2004 Barstow Artist-in-Residence.